About Us

This discord covers the Culpeper, Brandy Station, and Stevensburg areas. We use maps for Pokémon and Raid spawns.

Below is our current Admin team, if you have any questions, recommendations, or issues contact them.

Instinct Mystic Valor
Ednogg iSavager Dreagan150

Basic Rules

  1. Be respectful of your fellow members and remember that people are spending their time to play this game so don't waste it. If you wouldn't want to wait 15 mins for somebody to arrive at a raid don't ask others to do it, there will be more opportunities.

  2. Keep discussions to the channel related to those topics, all the channels are pretty easily figured out but if you do need any explanation about where to do things don't hestitate to reach out to anyone on the admin team.

  3. The important channels for doing things are #friend-codes and #configure-alerts.

    • The #friend-codes channel will link you to the form where you can submit your friend code to the current list. You can also view the current list from the same link after submitting an entry, or by visiting the Friend List page.

    • The #configure-alerts channel is where you can automatically assign yourself certain roles to see various channels. Type !commands for a list of available commands and what they do.

  4. The important channels for information about Culpeper are #gym-info and #nest-info.

    • The #gym-info channel is a list of all gyms currently in Culpeper and a link for directions to that gym, most of them have nicknames for the gym in case people in the group are not using the full name for the stop.

    • The #nest-info channel is a currrent list of the nests around Culpeper and the pokemon currently available there, if you notice any mistakes message anyone on the admin team and we will update it accordingly.

Gameplay Rules

  1. We are a non-spoofing discord, and spoofing activities that impact other players will lead to swift repercussions.

    1. If you think somebody is spoofing to a raid ensure that they aren't hiding people can just be anti-social. If you can't find them then take a screenshot of them in the lobby with timestamps, and take photos of the gym with timestamps, and send it to one of the admins. We will review the submission and act accordingly.

    2. If you see that somebody is taking down a gym while spoofing take a screenshot of the gym before it is taken down with a timestamp visible, then take photos all around the gym with timestamps in them, and finally take a photo of the person in the gym with another timestamp.

    3. The following is how the punishments will progress:

      • One day ban from the #raid-discussion channel

      • One week ban from the #raid-discussion channel

      • One month ban from the #raid-discussion channel

      • If these measures don't solve the issue then you will be permanently banned from the channel

      • If that still doesn't fix the problem you will be banned from the server

  2. Be respectful of the property and people you are around. If you can, stay off a business's property and out of the way of people that may want to use walkways. We are part of the community and we do not want to get a bad reputation for being disrespectful.

    In general just obey the Niantic stated ToS and obey the "Golden Rule" and you will be fine. Again if you have any issues, questions, concerns, comments, or possible upgrades we can make to improve the server do not hesitate to let anyone on the admin team know.