Discord Channel Guide


For all your discord channel questions!


  • #announcements: this is an admin channel that is used by the admins to share information with the entire discord

  • #rules: this is a link to the Discord Rules page here on the site, it detailes some of the rules and some information about the discord

  • #gym-info: this is a link to the Gym Info page here on the site. It contains directions as well as some useful information for the gyms covered by our area

  • #nest-info: this is a link to the Nest Info page here on the site. It contains directions and information about the nests covered by our area

  • #useful-info: this is a channel where people post useful information to benefit the entire discord, infographics about events, links to web pages, etc

  • #map-info: this contains a link to the map we use for our discord


  • This section contains channels related to various research tasks, it is updated regularly as tasks are added and removed


  • #everything: this is the channel where most discussion and chat takes place, it is for anything

  • (team chat): this channel is specific to your team, only fellow team members can see the chat

  • #donor-chat: this channel is specific for member of the discord that have made donations to the PayPal to help support events and maps

  • #event-planning: this channel is for members of the discord that assist with planning/organizing events

  • #friend-codes: this is a link to the Friend Codes page on the website where you can view the current friend codes list

  • #trading: this channel is for organizing and looking for specific trades

  • #gift-exchange: this channel is used to coordinate opening gifts between people to maximize experience for both players

  • #after-dark: this channel is only available to members of the discord who are 18+, and requires a specific role to view

  • #battle-royale: this channel is for pvp battles in general and information about PvP

  • #silph-league-tournaments: this channel is related to silph league tournaments which are PvP tournaments organized by The Silph Road website

  • #harry-potter: this channel is for members that play the Niantic created Harry Potter game

  • #pokestop-submissions: this channel is for help with submitting/approving new pokestops in the game


  • #raid-discussion: this channel is for all raid related discussion

  • #ex-raid-discussion: this channel is for all EX raid related discussions, most of this occurs in #raid-discussion anyway


  • #showing-off: this channel is for showing off anything you would like to show off, proud of a new shiny or pokemon, post it here

  • #rare-sightings: this is for manually calling out rare pokemon that spawn

  • #ditto-sightings: this channel is specific for ditto callouts, for people working on old special research or new research tasks

  • #ar-photos: this channel is for posting any ar photos with pokemon


  • #configure-alerts: this channel is where you can go to apply certain roles to yourself, use the command !commands to see the current list of commands

  • #team-request: this channel is only used when first joining discord, once you join a team you no longer see this channel. This automates the team assignment


  • #100iv: this is the bot channel that will post 100% IV pokemon that spawn

  • #90-99iv: this is the bot channel that will post pokemon that spawn with 90%-99% IVs

  • #0iv: this is the bot channel that will post 0% IV pokemon that spawn

  • #raid-alerts-t-t4: this is the bot channel that will post all Tier 1 -4 raids that spawn

  • #raid-alerts-t5: this is the bot channel that will post all Tier 5 raids that spawn

  • #uberspawn: this is the bot channel that will post all rare pokemon spawns

  • #pvp: this is the bot channel that will post all pokemon that have IVs that make them good for PvP

  • #quests: this is the bot channel that will post pokestop quests that give out high quality rewards

  • #team-rocket-invasion: this is the bot channel that will post team rocket stops, for people hunting high qualioty shadow pokemon

  • #unown: this is the bot channel that will post all unown that spawn